Other articles

  1. Why your menu won't be served

    Why your menu won’t be served

    The missing menu

    The sectionPagesMenu config setting may not work as you might expect in Hugo menus. I struggled with this for quite a while, but now a long-lasting mystery has been solved, finally. Time to share this, so your struggle may be …

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  2. Tracing a sketch for a t-shirt in Inkscape

    Tracing a sketch for a t-shirt in Inkscape

    Or for other purposes. The following assumes that you have a pencil sketch or so and want to make a t-shirt-able SVG from it. After some amount of probing, the following path[1] seems to be the most promising for me:

    data is the new oil

    Import …

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  3. Static binaries in Python

    Static binaries in Python

    Do you envy developers that use Go, Rust or Haskell for their static binaries? Just one file that can be passed around, like the binary of the static[1] website generator Hugo, written in Go?

    No need to install libraries (of course you need to install …

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  4. Face Improvement

    Mit dem Prospekt hatte alles angefangen. Edel aufgemacht, aber erkennbar eine Massensendung. Wie wichtig heutzutage das Aussehen sei. Ein perfektes Gesicht die Eintrittskarte in ein erfolgreiches Berufs- und Privatleben. Erfolg. Schönheit. Und da ließe sich heute so viel machen. Jedes Gesicht sei verbesserbar. Zu günstigen Preisen. Wer da nicht mitmache …

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  5. Java package does not match path

    Java package does not match path

    Say we have a Java source file with the following package definition at the beginning:

    package evil.weylandyutani.xenomorph;

    , but the file lives in the following directory: …​/evil/weylandyutani/xenomorph/alien. So, the path to the file does not correspond to the package components …

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  6. The Random Walker and the PI Searcher

    random walk


    A while ago I started researching[1] microcontrollers, using mainly Arduinos and the STM32 Nucleo boards.

    So, naturally, I have a bunch of Arduino Pro Minis lying around. Originally, they were meant for a measuring device that records …

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  7. Compare output in shell

    Compare output in shell

    We need to compare output when we want to test command line programs. There are tools for this like Bats[1], Cram[2] or Aruba[3], but you can also roll your own. All that you need is to check if output of programs is what …

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  8. Trouble with Git Submodules

    Trouble with Git Submodules

    They mean trouble anyway, but here’s a new trick that Git has up it’s sleeve. The problem appears when a submodule does not have a master branch, because you named (or someone else who created the submodule) the branch main, as everyone says you …

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  9. Benzin

    Joe Smith fuhr mit seinem Traktor den staubigen Feldweg entlang. Zwei Uhr nachmittags in Kentucky. Die Sonne brannte herunter. Weidezäune verlegen war heute angesagt. Nicht seine Lieblingsarbeit, aber es musste ja auch getan werden. Und es war seine Farm. Seit dem Tod seiner Frau Sarah war er allein, wer also …

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