Other articles

  1. Trouble with Git Submodules

    Trouble with Git Submodules

    They mean trouble anyway, but here’s a new trick that Git has up it’s sleeve. The problem appears when a submodule does not have a master branch, because you named (or someone else who created the submodule) the branch main, as everyone says you …

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  2. Living without Getopt(s)

    Living without Getopt(s)

    Parsing command lines can be tricky sometimes. There are arguments and options (the things that begin with a dash or two). Options can have arguments themselves.[1] For some options, the arguments may be optional. Options come in long (more than one letter) and short (just …

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  3. Squash the first two commits with Git

    Squash the first two commits with Git

    With a normal interactive rebase, that cannot be done, you cannot include the first commit. That is, if you have three commits and wanna do a

    git rebase -i HEAD~3

    , Git won’t allow that. It will answer with something like

    fatal …
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