1. Kreuzworträtselunterstützung


    So ab und an löse ich gern Kreuzworträtsel. Nicht die bekannten Rätsel, wo einfach ein Wort gesucht wird ("Nebenfluß des Ebro"). Stattdessen gibt es einen mehr oder weniger verklausulierten Hinweis auf das gesuchte Wort. Solche Rätsel gibt es beispielsweise in der Zeit, da heißt es "Um die Ecke gedacht …

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  2. Envsubst


    Big templating engines like Jinja2 for Python are really useful tools. But sometimes, you just need to do a little templating in a shell script, to compose a config file, for example.

    Envsubst is a simple templating machine for the shell. It replaces environment variables in files. A simple …

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  3. Help! This is not this!

    Help! This is not this!

    Here’s the story of me, this, and JavaScript. You may think about JavaScript what you may (I’m yet unsure if I like it or not[1]), but it is one of the most useful programming languages you can have in your toolbox. So …

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  4. Squash the first two commits with Git

    Squash the first two commits with Git

    With a normal interactive rebase, that cannot be done, you cannot include the first commit. That is, if you have three commits and wanna do a

    git rebase -i HEAD~3

    , Git won’t allow that. It will answer with something like

    fatal …
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  5. Asciidoc passthrough problem with Pandoc

    Asciidoc passthrough problem with Pandoc

    The idea

    Use a passthrough to pass an includepdf instruction to LaTeX, so you can have full-page images in your text, using the LaTeX pdfpages package. The passthrough in the Asciidoc document looks like this:


    The file is first converted to …

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