Copy a DVD and transfer it to another machine, all in one go

Copy a DVD and transfer it to another machine, all in one go

Use case: I have an old laptop with a CD/DVD drive and my current laptop, which does not have such ancient devices. I want to rip the DVD and put the result onto the other laptop immediately. It’s not that hard. Just do:

dd if=/dev/sr0 | ssh nik@ "dd of=/media/nik/media/video/sledge_hammer/dvd_1.iso"

Note the quotation around the args for the SSH (the second dd).[1] For this, of course, an SSH server has to run on the target.


Although this sounds like an utterly smart idea ("Whoa, I’m piping to another machine. I must be l33t".), it is not if you have a slow network/wifi. I stopped ripping a disk after half a day, because the job was still not done. If you are on lame wifi, you’re better off using a USB stick or so to transfer the data.

1. Yes, Sledge Hammer. I ripped it so I can watch it on my current devices, which all miss things like DVD drives. You can have the DVDs, if you want.

